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La Neige Et Sa Affection Jan 24, 2007

Posted by herraheri in Herra the Heri, M. L'éléphant.
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Oui, Oui. It is not printemps. Not yet. And as if the world wanted to show our cerebral connections that it is able to do with us whatever it likes to, it painted itself white.

Mais, en fait, la couleur blanc est trés jolie. Plus jolie – de temps en temps – que toutes les couleurs moshes, eclaires et poignantes des jours ordinaires.

En plus, le blanc deglute tout…on ne peut pas entendre du bruit. Le monde est calme et pacifique. On n’entend que le ruisellment doux des petits et grands flocons de neige. Oui – c’est mervieulleux, c’est fantastique. Franchement, c’est un moment de sentir le pure joie de vivre – toutes les raisons d’etre en un moment de reflexion.

Bien sur – j’ai pris un photo. Voilá: Neige

Diary from the Eye of the Kyrill Jan 19, 2007

Posted by herraheri in Herra the Heri, M. L'éléphant.
1 comment so far

Herra Héri intellegence was able to intercept the following discussion in the dead of night and the eye of the fear-awakening strom Kyrill.  But read yourself:

20:15 MET Franz to Lothar: “We are all going to die in this stormy night!”

20:29: MET Lothar to Franz: “Lol. I am rehearsing in Boll. Fuck. We just have food for three days. Anyway. It was a good life. Take care, dear Franz.”

20:33: MET: Franz to Lothar: “My city has been completely crumbled by the storm. With lots of luck I have been able to survive. I don’t know how long I can take the deadly blows. I…I am weak…the storm is so violent. A tree did already fall in the Netherlands. It was beautiful, my life. Have fun rehearsing. I hope the best for you!

20:47: Lothar to Franz: ” Damn. I don’t know what is worse – to be killed by parts of houses flying around or to get an inflamed conjuctiva. If you are able to survive, take care of the zombies. They are leaving their holes. Meanwhile we draw lots: It is decided – we will eat our friend V. if we run out of food. See you in a better life. Yours Lothar.

After that the connection was lost!

Flirtatious Walls Jan 10, 2007

Posted by herraheri in M. L'éléphant.
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I am not frightenend very often, but now, as I know of the existence of the silent wall-women I feel flabbergasted and – yeah – my teeth are a bit chattering.

Just a few weeks ago I heard a dull, grateling sound inside my living room walls. Just some days later I noticed the same unsettling sound in the murr of the staircase of my house. Of course I called the landlords (who refused to believe me) and the other tenants (who laughed hard at me). At the end of the day, I knew, I had to deal with the fear-inspiring sounds on my own.

For a few days I tried to ignore the sound, but it deprived me of sleep, made my mind completely sullen and my feelings got more and more aggressive and dark. Yes, I turned into a completely different character. Once I noticed my altered personality I heard a giggle from inside the wall. Unbelievable, “it” was laughing at me, at my pain, my wanning character.

I freaked out and kicked the wall, spit on it and even tore off some of the wallpaper (I guess I went as mad as the protagonist in Poe’s “The Tell Tale Heart”, just without murder). But the smirking laughs did not stop – the even seemd to grow more intense. Screaming, I ran on the street and did not return to the flat until two nights later when the temperature fell below -15 degrees. I had to sleep somewhere.

In that very night I did not hear any sound. Strange. But then, the following morning I discovered a laughing face froze in the wall of the house. The face of a flirtatiously giggling woman. Somehow, she must have gotten in the wall and terrorised me – perhaps I mistook her advances for spooky terror. But I did not feel sorry. I bought some hair spray and fixed her forever in the wall. Bye Bye.

P.S.: Of course I took a picture of her. Tantalising!

The woman in the wall