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C’est L’Orage Jun 15, 2007

Posted by herraheri in Herra the Heri, M. L'éléphant.
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Yes, Yes, Yes. And still the women are talking of arts and styles, Michelangelo and some new fashion stuff. It is a nice humming in the room, the voices talking so deliberately. But yeah, c’est l’orage enfin and nobody is able to change it.

Recently Piet Rosengruen said that when he returns from his small trip to Butan he will talk about the crucial role of clouds and electromagnetic energy. While we are waiting for him we try to configure our mobile phones in a special way that enables us to detect ghost, ghouls and other scary creatures by means of mobile phone radiation.

Maybe, it well may be that a glimpse of hope is still persistent. Maybe. We will see.euskal_herria_4.gif