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Good To Be Outside In Jan 5, 2009

Posted by herraheri in Herra the Heri, M. L'éléphant.
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He opened the door and slipped in. Slowly. Yes – it was a damp evening in december and temperature just dropped vastly. It was cold. Very cold. He opened the door and slipped in. Slowly. Carefully. Yes – the sun was already gone, as was dawn. It was dark. Very dark. He opened the door and slipped in. Slowly. Carefully.Anxious. Yes – the air smelt of animal, the disgusting stench of fur and carnivoral transpiration. It was dangerous. Very dangerous. He opened the door and slipped in. Slowly. Carefully. Anxious but ambitous. The room was dark. It was cold. In the back of the room a cat was mournfully meouwing.  He could notice he was trapped – one moment before his rationality dissolved.